

There will be three categories - Vintage Fiesta, Contemporary (P86) Fiesta, and Other HLC/FTC Lines.

A. Use any HLC/FTC product, vintage or contemporary to create your tablescape.  Select the category you wish to exhibit.  This category must be based on what dishes are most represented or displayed.  

B Table Setting can be accessorized with HLC or non-HLC flatware, fabrics or additional items.

C. Dimensions of your tablescape cannot exceed 30" wide x 30" deep x 60" high.

D. Per HLCCA license agreement with FTC, and decaled Post 86 Fiesta itmes must be items decorated and produced/authorized by HLC/FTC - No Post 86 Fiesta with third party decorations or rogue items are permitted to be displayed/exhibited.

E. Please do not use any fragrance or music with your display to avoid allergy issues or detract from other exhibits.

(Option: You are permitted to drape a tablecloth over the FRONT of the exhibit table)


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